ENETEX TECHNOLOGY s.r.o. / ENETEX-KIA s.r.o. - systémy čištění odpadního vzduchu a odpadních plynů 

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Reference ve světě

Reference ve světě - TNV

Rok Země Provoz Zařízení Emise Q (Nm3/h)
2006 SK Painting Train RA+TNV 95.600
2006 CN Thermal Combustion TNV VOC, Dust
2006 CZ Painting Cars RA+TNV VOC 100.000
2006 CN Glass Production TNV+WT+F+Washer N2, O2, H2O, SnCL3, SbCl4, HF, HCL 24.000
2005 SK Chemicals Production TNV CO, Hydrocarbons 3.000
2005 CZ Printing Machine TNV Triethylamin, Butoxyethanol 2.000
2005 AT Chemicals Production TNV VOC 2.250
2005 CZ Painting Line TNV+AD 3.000
2005 CZ Resin Production TNV Glykol, TEA, Xylol, Stryrol, Butanol, Butylaceton 320
2005 CZ Cumene Production TNV+WT Phenole, Formaldehyd, Formic Acid 6.700
2004 CZ Painting Line AD+TNV VOC 52.000
2004 CZ Painting Line AD+TNV VOC 18.500
2004 SL Painting Line AD+TNV Xylol, Aceton, MEK 45.000
2004 IT Glas Wool Curing TNV+WT Phenole, Ammoniak 10.000
2003 CZ Coating AD+TNV ethyl, methylacetate, butanol, propanol 20.000
2003 CZ Glas Fleece Production TNV+Heating System VOC, Formaldehyde
2003 GR Tobacco Production TNV VOC, combustible dust 3.600
2003 RU Mineral wool production + Curing 2+TNV, KO CO, Dust 15.000
2003 CZ Cosmetics Production TNV/AD acetone, etanol, butylacetate, diisobutylketon 27.700
2003 BE Glas Coating Process TNV+GB+2xF+2xWT CO, VOC's, Metal particles 30.000
2003 CZ Pharmaceutical Extraction TNV VOC, Ethanol
2002 GB Coating and Laminating TNV+GB+WT Xylene 9.800
2002 GB Coating Line TNV+GB Hexane, Toluene, DMF 10.000
2002 CZ Ethylbenzene Production TNV Ethylbenzene, Benzene 150
2002 NL Tobacco Production TNV Basic Engineering 11.300
2001 RUS Tobacco Production TNV+GB+WT Hydrocarbons 7.000
2001 D Laurinlactam Production TNV Hydrocarbons 3.200
2001 S Mineral Wool Curing Oven TNV Hydrocarbons 3.800
2000 GB Typewriter Ribbon Production TNV+WT MEK, Toluene 40.000
2000 CZ Carbon Electrodes Production TNV Benzines 3.000
2000 GB Food Production TNV Foul Air 3.400
2000 F Glasvlies Recycling DR+F+TNV CO, Dust 3.500
2000 D Automobile Painting TNV+GB/OB Hydrocarbons 4.000
2000 CZ TNV+GB+WT+DK Hydrocarbons 6.000
2000 CZ Chemicals Production TNV+WT Toluene, Benzole 500
1999 GB Food Production TNV+GB Foul air 33.980
1998 F Soil Remediation TNV+WT+AD Halogenated Hydrocarbons 10.000
1998 CZ Solvent Storage TNV+GB Methanol, Acrylnitril 500
1998 GB Label Printing TNV+GB Ethylalcohole 13.500
1998 GB Printing Paper Production WT 20.000
1997 CZ Isoxycyanate Production TNV Phosgen, Toluene 500
1997 CZ Glas Fleece Production TNV+WT+GB Formaldehyde 10.000
1997 GB Packaging Industry TNV+GB+WT Toluene 25.000
1997 CZ Glas Coating TNV+GB+F+WT (2x) CO, VOC's, Metal particles 30.000
1997 D BN-Production TNV+GB+F+WT+AB+DEN NH3, HCN, CO, H3BO3 2.000
1996 S Automobile Painting TNV+GB Mixture of Hydrocarbons 12.000
1996 GB Insulation Production TNV+GB+WT Ethanole 10.000
1995 CZ Beta-Naphtol-Production TNV+GB+WT (4x) Naphtalin, NaOH 6.000
1995 CZ Bitumen Production TNV+GB+WT Tar Vapors 4.500
1995 GB Semiconductor Fabrication TNV+GB+WT Acetone, Butylacetate, Xylene, Isopropanol 1.000
1995 CZ Regeneration of Activated Carbo TNV+GB Mixture of Hydocarbons 1.000
1994 GB Steel Coil Coating TNV+GB MEK 10.000
1993 CZ Bitumen Production TNV+GB+WT Tar Vapors 3.200
1993 GB Cleaning of Contaminated Soil TNV Mixture of Hydrocarbons 22.000
1993 SK Production of Carbon Elements TNV+WT Tar Vapors 900
1992 GB Sheet Metal Coating TNV+GB+WT Solvents 20.000
1933 IL Polyester Chip Dryers GB 350

Reference ve světě - KNV

Rok Země Provoz Zařízení Emise Q (Nm3/h)
2003 DE Coffee Roaster KNV approx. 800 various VOC's 3.000
2002 D PBT Production KNV THF 50
2002 CA Polycondensation Plant KNV various VOC 4.500
2002 D Soil Remediation KNV + DeNOx MNT, Toluene 6.000
2001 CZ Coffee Roasting KNV Hydrocarbons 2.800
2001 TW PBT Production KNV+EH THF 8.000
2000 MEX Polycondensation Plant KNV Basic Engineering Allylalcohol, Acrolein 3.600
1995 GB Textile Coating KNV+GB+WT MEK, Xylol, DMF 12.000
1995 PL Grinding Wheel Production KNV+GB+WT Phenole, NH3, Formaldehyde 2.500
1995 CZ Production of Ceramic Elements KNV+EH Organic Binder 200
1994 CZ Phenole Production KNV+WT+EH Phenole, Toluene 1.100
1994 CZ Imprignation of Papers KNV+GB+WT Methanole, Phenole, Formaldehyde 5.000
1993 D Grinding Wheel Production KNV+GB+WT Phenole, NH3, Formaldehyde 5.000

Reference ve světě - RTNV, RKNV

Rok Země Provoz Zařízení Emise Q (Nm3/h)
2007 SK Brick Production RTNV Dust, CO, TOC, Nox, SO2 35.000
2007 SK Brick Production RTNV Dust, CO, TOC, Nox, SO2 55.000
2006 SK Painting Train RTNV+RA VOC 12.000
2006 CZ Painting Line RTNV 25.000
2005 CZ Brick Production RTNV CO, Hydrocarbons 14.500
2005 AT Chemical Production RTNV VOC 6.000
2005 CZ Brick Production RTNV CO, VOC 55.000
2005 CZ Brick Production RTNV CO, Hydrocarbons 35.000
2005 CZ Chemical Production RTNV VOC 16.000
2004 CZ Painting Line RTNV VOC 11.000
2004 CZ Brick Production RTNV CO, Hydrocarbons 35.000
2004 CZ Brick Production RTNV CO, Hydrocarbons 45.000
2004 PL Grinding Wheel Production RTNV Phenol, Formaldehyd, Ammoniak 2.500
2004 CZ Brick Production RTNV CO, Hydrocarbons 45.000
2003 RU Grinding and cutting-off wheel pr RTNV/Purging Vessel phenol, formaldehyde, ammonia 3.500
2003 CZ Printing machine Production RTNV metanol, etanol, etylacetat, metoxypropanol 18.000
2003 CZ Cosmetics Production RTNV/AD acetone, etanol, butylacetate, diisobutylketon, 7.000
2002 B Glass Coating RTNV Dipropyleneglycol 4.200
2002 F Coating Process RTNV various VOC 2.000
2002 CZ RTNV Acetone 4.500
2001 CZ Cans Painting RTNV Hydrocabons 8.000
2001 CZ Mirror Production RTNV Hydrocarbons 14.300
2001 CZ Painting Lines RTNV+GB Hydrocarbons 2.500
2001 D Grinding Wheel Production RTNV Phenole, Formaldehyde 6.500
2000 CZ Carbon Electrodes Production RTNV Hydrocarbons 3.000
1999 CZ Flexoprinting RTNV+WT+GB Ethylalcohole 8.000
1999 A PE-Production RTNV+GB Ethylene 15.000
1999 CZ Textile Coating RTNV+GB Acetone, Toluene 8.000
1999 SL Grinding Material Production RTNV+SB+GB NH3, Phenole, Formaldehyde 3.500
1998 CZ Coating of Cans RTNV+GB Hydrocarbons 3.600
1998 CZ Flexoprinting RTNV+GB Hydrocarbons 25.000
1998 CZ Tube Coating RTNV+GB Hydrocarbons 4.000
1997 D Grinding Material Production RTNV+GB Phenole, Formaldehyde 19.800
1997 CZ Headlight Production RTNV+GB 3.600
1996 CZ Carpet Production RTNV Mixture of Hydrocarbons 30.000
1995 CZ Mirror Production RTNV+GB Xylene 30.000
1995 CZ Flexoprinting RKNV+EH Alcohols 8.500

Reference ve světě - Kupolové pece

Rok Země Provoz Zařízení Emise Q (Nm3/h)
2007 UA Mineral Wool Production Cupola, FGCS, Cooling, Spi 12.000
2007 UA Mineral Wool Production Cupola, FGCS, Cooling, Spi 12.000
2006 RU Mineral Wool Production Spinner
2006 RU Mineral Wool Production Waste Recycle systém
2006 SL Mineral Wool Production TNV, WT, F CO, Dust 19.600
2006 RU Mineral Wool Production Curing Oven + TNV 14.000
2006 RU Mineral Wool Production Crimping Unit
2006 RU Mineral Wool Production TNV, WT, F CO, Dust 19.600
2006 PT Mineral Wool Production Production Equipment
2005 HU Mineral Wool Production TNV+GR+WT+F CO, H2S, Dust 10.000
2005 RU Mineral Wool Production TNV+GB+WT+F+KO CO, Dust 14.000
2005 RU Mineral Wool Production TNV+GR+WT+F CO, H2S, VOC, Dust 14.500
2005 LT Mineral Wool Curing Oven TNV+WT Hydrocarbons 12.000
2005 PT Mineral Wool Production TNV+GR+WT+F CO, H2S, Dust 6.000
2005 SK Mineral Wool Production TNV+WT CO, H2S, Dust 10.000
2005 IT Mineral Wool Production TNV+WT+GB CO, Dust 12.000
2005 SL Mineral Wool Production Conveyors, Cupola, Chargin
2005 RU Mineral Wool Production Collect. Chamber/Pendulum
2005 RU Mineral Wool Production TNV+GB+WT+F 10.000
2005 RU Mineral Wool Production Cold End
2005 SL Mineral Wool Production Cupola Charging Equipm.
2005 SL Mineral Wool Production Waste Preparation Equipm.
2004 LT Mineral wool production TNV+F+3xWT+DeSOx CO, Dust, SO2, H2S 11.000
2004 SK Mineral wool production WT
2004 GB Mineral wool production TNV+GB+WT+F VO, Dust
2004 BY Mineral Wool Production TNV+GR+WT+F CO, SO2, H2S, Dust 7.700
2004 KR Mineral Wool Curing Oven Engineering with Burner Phenole, Ammonia, Oilvapours 12.000
2004 LT Mineral wool Curing Oven TNV+WT Phenole, Formaldehyde 10.000
2003 KR Mineral wool production + Curing 2xTNV+GB+WT+F+DESOX CO, Dust 15.000
2003 RU Mineral wool production WT+GB CO, Dust 10.000
2003 FR Mineral wool production KO
2002 GB Mineral Wool Production WT
2001 PL Curing Oven Heating GB(2x)
2001 F Mineral Wool Production TNV+GB+F+3xWT CO, H2S, Dust 7.000
2001 E Mineral Wool Production TNV+GB+WT CO, H2S, Dust 8.000
2001 USA Mineral Wool Production WT CO, H2S, Dust 10.000
2001 F Mineral Wool Production WT CO, H2S, Dust 7.000
2001 FIN Mineral Wool Production TNV+2xWT CO, H2S 7.000
2000 PL Mineral Wool Production TNV+3xWT+F CO, H2S, dust 9.400
2000 S Mineral Wool Production TNV CO, H2S, dust 7.000
2000 S Mineral Wool Production TNV+2xWT CO, H2S, dust 10.000
2000 FIN Mineral Wool Production TNV+2xWT CO, H2S 7.000
2000 CZ Mineral Wool Production WT CO 7.000
2000 P Mineral Wool Production TNV+GB phenol, formaldehyde, NH3 10.000
2000 GB Mineral Wool Production Z dust 10.000
2000 CZ Mineral Wool Production KO
2000 CZ Mineral Wool Curing Oven TNV+GB Phenole, Formaldehyde 20.000
2000 P Mineral Wool Production TNV+3xWT+F dust, CO, H2S 10.000
2000 F Mineral Wool Production TNV+3xWT+F CO, H2S, dust 16.000
1999 S Mineral Wool Production F+WT Dust 10.000
1999 F Mineral Wool Production TNV+WT+GB CO, H2S, Dust 7.000
1999 SK Mineral Wool Production WT CO 5.000
1999 CZ Mineral Wool Production TNV+GB+WT+F CO, H2S, Dust 15.000
1998 PL Mineral Wool Production TNV+GB+WT+F CO, H2S, Dust 10.000
1998 HU Mineral Wool Production TNV+GB+WT+F CO, H2S, Dust 10.000
1997 ROC Mineral Wool Curing Oven TNV+GB+F Phenole, Formaldehyde 12.000
1997 FIN Mineral Wool Production WT+F Dust 10.000
1997 CZ Mineral Wool Production TNV+GB+WT+F+KO CO2, H2S, Dust 12.000
1997 ROC Mineral Wool Production TNV+GB+WT+F+DESOX(2 CO, H2S, Dust 10.000
1997 S Mineral Wool Production WT Dust 10.000
1996 P Mineral Wool Production Z+WT+GB Dust 12.000
1996 MAL Mineral Wool Production KO
1996 FIN Mineral Wool Production WT+F (2x) Dust 20.000
1996 CZ Mineral Wool Production WT CO 15.000
1996 SK Mineral Wool Production CO-Burner CO 10.000
1996 LT Mineral Wool Curing Oven TNV+GB Phenole, Formaldehyde 12.000
1996 SK Mineral Wool Production KO
1995 I Mineral Wool Production TNV+GB+WT+F CO, H2S 6.000
1995 ROK Mineral Wool Production TNV+GB+WT+F+DESOX CO, H2S, Dust 10.000
1995 I Mineral Wool Curing Oven TNV+GB Phenole, Formaldehyde 10.000
1994 D Mineral Wool Production TNV+GB+WT+F+KO CO, H2S, Dust 10.000
1994 USA Mineral Wool Production WT CO, H2S 10.000
1994 D Mineral Wool Production TNV+GB+WT+F+KO CO, H2S, Dust 10.000
1994 D Curing Oven Heating GB(2x)
1994 D Curing Oven Heating GB(2x)
1992 GB Mineral Wool Production WT CO, H2S, Dust 15.000

Reference ve světě - další projekty

Rok Země Provoz Zařízení Emise Q (Nm3/h)
2007 PL Cupola-bottom-part
2007 PL Modification Piping Curing
2006 SK Heat Exchanger

Absorption Unit ... absorbce
Adsorption ... adsorbce
Denitrification Unit ... denitrifikační zařízení
Steam Boiler ... parní kotel
Electric Heating ... elektrický ohřev
Filter ... filtr
Gas Burner ... plynový hořák
Catalytic Oxidisers ... katalytické spalování
Cupola Furnace ... kupolová pec
Oil Burner ... olejový hořák
Rotary Absorber with Zeolits ... rotační adsorbér se zeolity
Rotary Furnace ... rotační pec
Regenerative KNV ... regenerativní KNV
Regenerative TNV ... regenerativní TNV
Thermal Oxidisers ... termické spalování
Recuperation Heat Exchanger ... rekuperativní výměník tepla
Cyclone ... cyklon


ENETEX TECHNOLOGY s.r.o. – Oznámení o fúzi

přidáno: 1.10.2013 12:00:00

Změna sídla firmy

přidáno: 16.9.2011 12:44:04

Částečné omezení provozu kanceláří z důvodu stěhování

přidáno: 16.9.2011 14:51:36


Pozor! Od 1. 10. 2013 změna:


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664 42 Brno-Modřice

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